Club Update 4/2020

Hello club members.  I hope everyone is healthy and safe.

There is a special US 230  Aeromodeling fabric by US Fabrics that is much more durable and 2.5 times heavier than fabrics used by Fayette Flyers and other clubs.
This type of runway would require no seeding, fertilizing, watering or mowing and much less maintenance.

After much research and contacting the AMA site coordinators and several RC clubs, I have come to the following conclusions.
 All of the clubs prefer this to concrete, grass or asphalt. They even have experienced considerable less wear on their aircraft including tire wear.

The AMA has one US 230 Aeromodel runway and are in the process of installing another. 
The rolls are 300×15 feet at $800 per roll. We could have a 600×45 foot runway for $4800.

Take a look at this link especially the FAQ and links at the bottom.  Also Google geotextile rc runways for other information.
Please let Gene,Vince or me know your thoughts on this matter so we can begin to go forward with our new field.